...quiet, about a lot of things...

Monday, December 17, 2007

Dance with Me

Michael and I took dancing lessons for three weeks before our wedding. I think we needed three years! Our first dance went something like...

One two three,
trip two three.
On my train,
and two three

Now, big finish:

Ah well. At least I would play the same song...What A Wonderful World...Louis Armstrong.

I have always loved to dance...doesn't mean I am good at it. I dance with abandon at least once a day. Weird huh...a girl thing I suppose. Sometimes I hula..sometimes I bop..and sometimes I even grind. My dogs look at me like I am having an epileptic seizure. But I bump on.

Dancing makes me feel alive. I just watched a documentary today on Ram Dass...the guy who was a Harvard professor (with Timothy Leary)..and was one of the first professors fired..for experiments with psychedelics.

He later went to India..and became a teacher. Don't worry...there's a point here. The documentary shows a tribe of Krishnas descending on his parents estate. Footage shows them dancing to the very basic, but deep intrinsic sounds of sitars and bells, chanting and moving. I know, had I been more than one or two then..I would have joined them. Dancing is mystical. Dancing is essential.

I did some research on this guy. One of his many books is called The Only Dance There Is.

Life; that is. I couldn't agree more.

Prompt for Sunday Scribblings
posted by wendy at 12:13 AM


Dancing is spiritual. You summed that well here!

Dance of Life

12/17/07, 3:44 AM  

LOL! I've been taking waltz classes for a year, and I'm still counting, though less frequently.


12/17/07, 11:36 AM  

It's so good to see your smile in your cool santa hat. :) Love your wedding song choice and I agree about life. HUGS

12/17/07, 11:42 AM  

Ram Dass is a fascinating person.
He also wrote a book called Be Here Now.
In recent years he had a serious stroke, but it hasn't stopped him.
The film he made about his recovery Fierce Grace is amazing.
Keep Dancing,

12/17/07, 3:00 PM  

My husband says the reason he married me is because I don't dance.

I can't remember ever dancing with him. I danced with my sons at their weddings....

12/17/07, 4:45 PM  

I agree, Life is a dance and you don't have to know all the steps to enjoy the foot work. Dance on girl, dance on!

12/18/07, 4:04 AM  

Come on over to my site and shake your groove thing to the Mary J. Blige I've got linked up on my post. It's the BEST song. And she's a fierce woman--one to be proud of.

12/19/07, 8:36 AM  

Dance your way into the new year my friend. have a Great Christmas - see you on the other side in 08!!! ;)

12/19/07, 7:49 PM  

I hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas. Love the family photo.

Please give my best to your daughter and tell her that the blackness is not all there is.

12/20/07, 11:53 AM  

Oh, yes! Right! Dance on! Lovely post!

12/20/07, 5:06 PM  

I think it is very cool you dance every day. Very cool.

Lovely thoughts all around. And the furry hat is a hit.

12/21/07, 7:41 PM  

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