...quiet, about a lot of things...

Monday, November 19, 2007

Inaugeration..at read write poem

The first of the new prompts..American Sentences..17 syllables.

In thinking, I wondered what makes a sentence "American" as opposed to a human sentence. I just read the headlines on my browser..and and looked into my own life.

In Georgia three boys, ages eight and nine, are charged with raping a girl.

I was young, I thought everyone dreamed of living in America.

Has Patriotism become less about us and more about them?

I had not realized her husband was ill when I dropped the brownies off.
He has been my neighbor for more than two years, and sick for all that time.

Good luck to this new endeavour.

Here's read write poem....
posted by wendy at 5:24 PM


Wow, these gave me pause and made me think!

11/19/07, 7:43 PM  

I love the second one -- so true!

11/19/07, 8:36 PM  

the pair at the end tells quite a story ... it makes me want to know more!

11/19/07, 9:18 PM  

the last two certainly seem like the beginning of a narrative poem -

11/19/07, 10:27 PM  

I like that patriotism one!

11/20/07, 3:49 AM  

very insightful. Excellent

11/20/07, 9:53 AM  

Good on ya! They are not as easy as you'd think, huh? (You have to know how to count, and I was never any good at math).

11/20/07, 10:20 AM  

The last two really hit me hard. These are splendid and moving. American Sentences are an interesting way to tell our stories and the stories of others.

11/21/07, 11:01 PM  

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