...quiet, about a lot of things...

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Very Superstitious...for Sunday Scribblings

I was born on the 13th day of October. My mom was born on the 13th day of May. Let's take this further.. My sister was born on the 15th day of August...My father, the 15th day of January. I have nothing in common with my sister or father..past DNA. I have more than several things in common with my mother. We are both quasi tragic figures in our own minds.

I do pay attention to coincidence. Is this superstition? I don't know. I look for signs, acknowledge patterns.

Every once in a while, it seems God is trying to give me a hint on the sly. Who am I do look a gift horse in the mouth.

As for walking under ladders, I try to avoid this, as I trip often...and could easily bring that house of cards down...

For more superstitions...grab your lucky rabbits foot...and come with me....
posted by wendy at 10:58 AM


Instinct and being open to the signs around you is a whole different ballgame. Awareness helps us determine the direction we want to take. It's good to listen to God. I do believe in coincidence but not predestiny.

3/4/07, 1:11 PM  

Hmmm. My mom was born on the 15th day of October and I was born on the 15th day of May. I am slowly turning into my dad's sister....

3/4/07, 5:44 PM  

My mom's birthday was Jan. 3. Mine is Jan. 30.

I have two children: one born Sept. 3, one on Sept. 30

Nine months to the day of my mother and I's birthdays. Plus September = Nine when it comes to numerical dates. And nine is the perfect square of 3.

All very interesting.

3/6/07, 4:23 AM  

Wendy, I liked this post very much.

3/6/07, 11:04 AM  

Me, too, May 13! Don't you love Friday the 13th birthdays?

3/8/07, 7:46 AM  

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