...quiet, about a lot of things...

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Piggy Rose for Sunday Scribblings

Right about the time I was a freshman in high school, Saturday Night Fever broke. The disco era was in full blast and Gloria Gaynor told me I would survive. Donna Summers, the Commodores, and KC and the Sunshine Band ruled my world. I've always loved to dance, so when the first dance of my freshman year was announced, I was so ready. I pulled out my leotard, and dance skins skirt, platforms and leg warmers. I was set!!

I went to an all girl Catholic high school in Pasadena CA. The boys came from all over the San Gabriel valley to dances. These were Catholic all boy school boys. Totally sanctioned. Totally horny.

I don't remember much about the particulars of the evening. I danced, I remember with a boy from Loyola, who was handsy but harmless.

The next week at school, I began finding my name written in the desks of various classes I attended..."Wendy is a slut." "Wendy is a whore" They were all over the school. I was mortified. I was 14. I had my first kiss just the summer before. No one had even felt me up or anything. But I loved to dance, and I had danced with the wrong boy.(mistakenly) Piggy Rose's old boyfriend.(didn't know) I barely knew Piggy Joe. But I became very well acquainted with her markers, pencils, and Bic pens...her little posse of friends made it their personal challenge to make my name well known. I became a very well known freshman.

Ah,,,Piggy Rose. my nemesis. How I hate her to this day. But she taught me a very important lesson....Hell has no Fury..like a woman scorned.

For more enemies of the people, go to Sunday Scribblings....

I wonder how many will be women, and how many will be men???....

And as for being a slut.....well...takes one to know one.

PS. Girls.. remember the thrill of being "Felt up"...oh, big sigh.
posted by wendy at 11:29 PM


Big deal, you're a slut. I'm a murderer!

Yeah, I really miss making out. And legwarmers.

11/26/06, 5:36 AM  

isn't it funny how those
things stay etched in our memorys.

when i saw the prompt
i immediately knew who i would
write about if i chose to write it
but the funny thing about
this girl (yeah, another girl)
is that when i see her nowadays
she is all friendly
like we are the best of friends.



11/26/06, 7:53 AM  

There is nothing quite like an angry high school girl is there?

11/26/06, 11:16 AM  

LOL! OH, the pain, the pain! You were a schoolgirl at the dance in Pasadena, and (I'm sure) years before you danced there, I was a beatnick going to the Pasadena Playhouse, eating after-show French Fries at Tops, or Mexican at Earnie Jr.'s...or skulking around Vroman's Bookstore.... Those were the days! Eighteen years old, reading Kerouac, preparing to be great.

11/26/06, 7:00 PM  

Heh. Never made it. But I have been writing about those Pasadena days, too, today. Great minds, great post! Thanks.

11/26/06, 7:04 PM  

Those junior high girls are nasty and mean. Makes you wonder what ever happened to them.

11/26/06, 11:47 PM  

I never had a Piggy Rose, but then I've never been "felt up" before. I feel like I'm missing out on life! And I even went to an all girl's primary school! But it was in Singapore....guess we were a bit conservative there. No school dances.

BTW, I have yet another good way for you to procrastinate!! :)

I'm tagging you for yet another meme! I hope you don't mind!

Check it out here!

11/27/06, 5:35 PM  

Man I feel like clocking Piggy Rose in the nose.

I too am glad you made it out alive-

Hugs and kisses to you

11/29/06, 10:07 AM  

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