...quiet, about a lot of things...

Sunday, September 23, 2007

My Name Is....for Sunday Scribblings

A reprint of my odd relation to forming my own name...Beyond that...I am, what, and who I am.....

I stutter. Not so much now..but when I'm nervous. A lot when I was a kid. I was a wicked smart kid.. with tons to say...and a broken reed that filled my mouth.

Updated..Fri...trying for a new title including the line from the above set up description. Thanks for the feedback.

A Broken Reed

A broken reed filled my mouth.
Was God playing a trick?

For instead of calling me
Heather or Hildey or Helen,
He planted his seed of naming
deep my mothers dreams.

Even now, I pause to
breath, before I say it.
Conscious everytime I voice
the answer aloud. People,
only have so much patience.
It's a simple question, for
God Sakes!

So for God's
sake, I quell the panic.
I soothe the bile.
Breath in through my nose.
Poised, as if on
pink toes,
I utter


I try for effortless.
I often twirl, afterwards.
a diversion of glitter
to break
the silence.

I listen
for applause.
The always willing
jester, telling
an inside joke
to God.

wlf 8:30am

Heading to read over at Sunday Scribblings
posted by wendy at 10:00 AM


This is great Wendy. I always hesitate to say my name because no one catches it first time, I know I'll have to repeat or spell it. But to stutter over your own name is a whole other issue. You've expressed it very well, the sense of frustration and that someone somewhere must be having a laugh!

9/23/07, 2:44 PM  

"a diversion of glitter
to break
the silence."

i really like these lines! for some reason it calls to mind "peter pan", for i always liked wendy. but alas, it's tinkerbell who has the glittering wand. =)

9/23/07, 8:51 PM  

Good poem! I like the glitter line, too. And used to stutter....

But WHY do you not like "Wendy?" I love "Wendy!" (On the other hand, I never liked Joyce, either. Now it's so old-fashioned it's not even in the name-your-baby books!)

9/23/07, 10:56 PM  

I really liked this poem...loved how the staccato lines mimics the stuttering and the hesitation. Wonderful. :)

9/23/07, 11:54 PM  

We stuttered as well and the W sound was always the hardest.

9/24/07, 7:29 AM  

I stuttered when I was nervous. Now being a teacher, I have somewhat overcome it.

Very good poem.

9/24/07, 11:22 AM  

Lots of good phrasing, a clear piece of writing with rhythm and flow. Very nice!

9/26/07, 3:11 PM  

Dammit you're good - great poem again!
LOVE the name 'Wendy'. (Blame JM Barrie!)

9/27/07, 1:07 AM  

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